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Appendix A

Scheme dialects

All major Scheme dialects implement the R5RS specification [22]. By using only the features documented in the R5RS, one can write Scheme code that is portable across the dialects. However, the R5RS, either for want of consensus or because of inevitable system dependencies, remains silent on several matters that non-trivial programming cannot ignore. The various dialects have therefore had to solve these matters in a non-standard and idiosyncratic manner.

Four Scheme dialects are treated here, viz., Guile [10], MzScheme [7], SCM [16], and STk [11]. We will only consider the set of non-standard features mentioned in this manual, viz., the shell-script mechanism, define-macro, file-or-directory-modify-seconds, fluid-let, getenv, load-relative, read-line, reverse!, system, when, and unless. Further details about these Scheme dialects may be found at their respective pages.

A.1  Guile

To invoke the Guile Scheme listener, type guile.

Guile shell scripts can be written as follows:

":";exec guile -s $0 "$@"

;... Scheme code goes here ...

In the script, the procedure (command-line) returns the list of the script's name and arguments. To access just the arguments, take the cdr of this list.

Guile loads, if available, the init file .guile in the user's home directory.

The following definitions (which may be put in the init file) cover the non-standard features used in this manual:

(define load-relative
  (lambda (f)
    (let* ((n (string-length f))
            (and (> n 0)
                 (let ((c0 (string-ref f 0)))
                   (or (char=? c0 #\/)
                       (char=? c0 #\.)
                       (char=? c0 #\~))))))
       (if full-pathname? f
           (let* ((clp (current-load-port))
                  (clf (and clp (port-filename clp)))
                  (cld (and clf (dirname clf))))
             (string-append cld "/" f)))))))

(define-macro when
  (lambda (t . ee)
    `(if ,t (begin ,@ee))))

(define-macro unless
  (lambda (t . ee)
    `(if (not ,t) (begin ,@ee))))

(define-macro fluid-let
  (lambda (xvxv . ee)
    (let ((xx (map car xvxv))
          (vv (map cadr xvxv))
          (old-xx (map (lambda (ig) (gentemp)) xvxv))
          (res (gentemp)))
      `(let ,(map (lambda (old-x x) `(,old-x ,x)) old-xx xx)
         ,@(map (lambda (x v)
                  `(set! ,x ,v)) xx vv)
         (let ((,res (begin ,@ee)))
           ,@(map (lambda (x old-x) `(set! ,x ,old-x)) xx old-xx)

(define file-or-directory-modify-seconds
  (lambda (f) (vector-ref (stat f9)))

;Guile comes with define-macro, getenv, read-line, reverse!, system

A.2  MzScheme

To invoke the MzScheme listener, type mzscheme.

MzScheme shell scripts can be written as follows:

":";exec mzscheme -r $0 "$@"

;... Scheme code goes here ...

In the script, the variable argv contains the vector (not list) of the script's arguments.

MzScheme loads, if available, the file .mzschemerc in the user's home directory.

A.3  SCM

To invoke the SCM listener, type scm.

SCM shell scripts can be written as follows:

":";exec scm -l $0 "$@"

;... Scheme code goes here ...

In the script, the variable *argv* contains the list of the Scheme executable name, the script's name, the option -l, and the script's arguments. To access just the arguments, take the cdddr of this list.

SCM loads, if available, the init file ScmInit.scm in the user's home directory.

The following definitions (which may be put in the init file) cover the non-standard features used in this manual:

(define load-relative
  (lambda (f)
    (let* ((n (string-length f))
            (and (> n 0)
                 (let ((c0 (string-ref f 0)))
                   (or (char=? c0 #\/)
                       (char=? c0 #\.)
                       (char=? c0 #\~))))))
    (load (if (and *load-pathname* full-pathname?)
              (in-vicinity (program-vicinityf)

(define reverse!
  (lambda (s)
    (let loop ((s s) (r '()))
      (if (null? sr
  (let ((d (cdr s)))
            (set-cdr! s r)
    (loop d s))))))

(defmacro when ...) 
;see Guile above

(defmacro unless ...) 
;see Guile above

(define file-or-directory-modify-seconds ...) 
;as for Guile above

;SCM comes with fluid-let, getenv, read-line, system

A.4  STk

To invoke the STk listener, type snow. (This is the ``no window'' executable.)

STk shell scripts can be written as follows:

":";exec snow -f $0 "$@"

;... Scheme code goes here ...

In the script, the variable *argv* contains the list of the script's arguments.

STk loads, if available, the init file .stkrc in the user's home directory.

The following definitions (which may be put in the init file) cover the non-standard features used in this manual:

(define *load-pathname* #f)

(define stk%load load)

(define load-relative
  (lambda (f)
    (fluid-let ((*load-pathname*
                 (if (not *load-pathname*f
                     (let* ((n (string-length f))
                             (and (> n 0)
                                  (let ((c0 (string-ref f 0)))
                                    (or (char=? c0 #\/)
                                        (char=? c0 #\.)
                                        (char=? c0 #\~))))))
                       (if full-pathname? f
                           (string-append (dirname *load-pathname*)
                                          "/" f))))))
      (stk%load *load-pathname*))))

(define load
  (lambda (f)
    (error "Don't use load.  Use load-relative instead.")))

(define reverse! ...) 
;as for SCM above

;file-or-directory-modify-seconds not definable for STk

;STk comes with fluid-let, getenv, read-line, system, when, unless

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