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Chapter 15


An engine [13] represents computation that is subject to timed preemption. In other words, an engine's underlying computation is an ordinary thunk that runs as a timer-preemptable process.

An engine is called with three arguments: (1) a number of time units or ticks, (2) a success procedure, and (3) a failure procedure. If the engine computation finishes within the allotted ticks, the success procedure is applied to the computation result and the remaining ticks. If the engine computation could not finish within the allotted ticks, the failure procedure is applied to a new engine representing the unfinished portion of the engine computation.

For example, consider an engine whose underlying computation is a loop that printed the nonnegative integers in sequence. It is created as follows, with the soon-to-be-defined make-engine procedure. make-engine is called on an argument thunk representing the underlying computation, and it returns the corresponding engine:

(define printn-engine
    (lambda ()
      (let loop ((i 0))
        (display i)
        (display " ")
        (loop (+ i 1))))))

Here is a call to printn-engine:

(define *more* #f)
(printn-engine 50 list (lambda (ne) (set! *more* ne)))
=> 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

I.e., the loop gets to print upto a certain number (here 9) and then fails because of the clock interrupt. However, our failure procedure sets a global variable called *more* to the failed engine, which we can use to resume the loop where the previous engine left off:

(*more* 50 list (lambda (ne) (set! *more* ne)))
=> 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

We will now construct engines using call/cc to capture the unfinished computation of a failing engine. First we will construct flat engines, or engines whose computation cannot include the running of other engines. We will later generalize the code to the more general nestable engines or nesters, which can call other engines. But in both cases, we need a timer mechanism, or a clock.

15.1  The clock

Our engines assume the presence of a global clock or interruptable timer that marks the passage of ticks as a program executes. We will assume the following clock interface -- if your Scheme provides any kind of alarm mechanism, it should be an easy matter to rig up a clock of the following type.

The internal state of our clock procedure consists of two items:

1) the number of remaining ticks; and

2) an interrupt handler to be invoked when the clock runs out of ticks.

clock allows the following operations:

1) (clock 'set-handler h) sets the interrupt handler to h.

2) (clock 'set n) resets the clock's remaining ticks to n, returning the previous value.

The number of ticks ranges over the non-negative integers and an atom called infinity. A clock with infinity ticks cannot run out of time and so will not set off the interrupt handler. Such a clock is quiescent or ``already stopped''. To stop a clock, set its ticks to infinity.

The clock handler is set to a thunk. For example,

(clock 'set-handler
  (lambda ()
    (error "Say goodnight, cat!")))

(clock 'set 9)

This will cause an error to be signaled after 9 ticks have passed, and the message displayed by the signal will be ``Say goodnight, cat!''

15.2  Flat engines

We will first set the clock interrupt handler. Note that the handler is invoked only if a non-quiescent clock runs out of ticks. This happens only during engine computations that are on the brink of failure, for only engines set the clock.

The handler captures the current continuation, which is the rest of the computation of the currently failing engine. This continuation is sent to another continuation stored in the global *engine-escape*. The *engine-escape* variable stores the exit continuation of the current engine. Thus the clock handler captures the rest of the failing engine and sends it to an exit point in the engine code, so the requisite failure action can be taken.

Let us now look into the innards of the engine code itself. As said, make-engine takes a thunk and fashions an engine out of it:

(define make-engine
  (lambda (th)
    (lambda (ticks success failure)
      (let* ((ticks-left 0)
             (engine-succeeded? #f)
               (lambda (k)
                 (set! *engine-escape* k)
                 (let ((result
                         (lambda (k)
                           (set! *engine-entrance* k)
                           (clock 'set ticks)
                           (let ((v (th)))
                             (*engine-entrance* v))))))
                   (set! ticks-left (clock 'set 'infinity))
                      (set! engine-succeeded? #t)
        (if engine-succeeded?
            (success result ticks-left)
              (lambda () 
                (result 'resume)))))))))

First we introduce the variables ticks-left and engine-succeeded?. The first will hold the ticks left over should the engine thunk finish in time. The second is a flag that will be used in the engine code to signal if the engine suceeded.

We then run the engine thunk within two nested calls to call/cc. The first call/cc captures the continuation to be used by a failing engine to abort out of its engine computation. This continuation is stored in the global *engine-escape*. The second call/cc captures an inner continuation that will be used by the return value of the thunk th if it runs to completion. This continuation is stored in the global *engine-entrance*.

Running through the code, we find that after capturing the continuations *engine-escape* and *engine-entrance*, we set the clock's ticks to the time allotted this engine and run the thunk th. If th succeeds, its value v is sent to the continuation *engine-entrance*, after which the clock is stopped, the remaining ticks ascertained, and the flag engine-succeeded? is set to true. We now go past the *engine-escape* continuation, and run the final dispatcher in the code: Since we know the engine succeeded, we apply the success procedure to the result and the ticks left.

If the thunk th didn't finish in time though, it will suffer an interrupt. This invokes the clock interrupt handler, which captures the current continuation of the running and now failing thunk and sends it to the continuation *engine-escape*. This puts the failed-thunk continuation in the outer result variable, and we are now in the final dispatcher in the code: Since engine-succeeded? is still false, we apply the failure procedure to new engine fashioned out of result.

Notice that when a failed engine is removed, it will traverse the control path charted by the first run of the original engine. Nevertheless, because we have explicitly use the continuations stored in the global variables *engine-entrance* and *engine-escape*, and we always set them anew before executing an engine computation, we are assured that the jumps will always come back to the currently executing engine code.

15.3  Nestable engines

In order to generalize the code above to accommodate the nestable type of engine, we need to incorporate into it some tick management that will take care of the apportioning of the right amounts of ticks all the engines in a nested run.

To run a new engine (the child), we need to stop the currently engine (the parent). We then need to assign an appropriate number of ticks to the child. This may not be the same as the ticks assigned by the program text, because it would be unfair for a child to consume more ticks than its parent has left. After the child completes, we need to update the parent's ticks. If the child finished in time, any leftover ticks it has revert to the parent. If ticks were denied from the child because the parent couldn't afford it, then if the child fails, the parent will fail too, but must remember to restart the child with its promised ticks when it (the parent) restarts.

We also need to fluid-let the globals *engine-escape* and *engine-entrance*, because each nested engine must have its own pair of these sentinel continuations. As an engine exits (whether through success or failure), the fluid-let will ensure that the next enclosing engine's sentinels take over.

Combining all this, the code for nestable engines looks as follows:

(define make-engine
  (lambda (th)
    (lambda (ticks s f)
      (let* ((parent-ticks 
              (clock 'set 'infinity))

;a child can't have more ticks than its parent's
             ;remaining ticks
              (clock-min parent-ticks ticks))

;a child's ticks must be counted against the parent
              (clock-minus parent-ticks child-available-ticks))

;if child was promised more ticks than parent could
             ;afford, remember how much it was short-changed by
              (clock-minus ticks child-available-ticks))

;used below to store ticks left in clock
             ;if child completes in time
             (ticks-left 0)

             (engine-succeeded? #f)

              (fluid-let ((*engine-escape* #f)
                          (*engine-entrance* #f))
                 (lambda (k)
                   (set! *engine-escape* k)
                   (let ((result
                           (lambda (k)
                             (set! *engine-entrance* k)
                             (clock 'set child-available-ticks)

                             (let ((v (th)))

                               (*engine-entrance* v))))))
                     (set! ticks-left
                       (let ((n (clock 'set 'infinity)))
                         (if (eqv? n 'infinity0 n)))
                     (set! engine-succeeded? #t)

;parent can reclaim ticks that child didn't need
        (set! parent-ticks-left
          (clock-plus parent-ticks-left ticks-left))

;this is the true ticks that child has left --
        ;we include the ticks it was short-changed by
        (set! ticks-left 
          (clock-plus child-ticks-left ticks-left))

;restart parent with its remaining ticks
        (clock 'set parent-ticks-left)
;the rest is now parent computation

;child finished in time -- celebrate its success
         (engine-succeeded? (s result ticks-left))

;child failed because it ran out of promised time --
         ;call failure procedure
         ((= ticks-left 0)
          (f (make-engine (lambda () (result 'resume)))))

;child failed because parent didn't have enough time, i.e.,
         ;parent failed too.  If so, when parent is resumed, its
         ;first order of duty is to resume the child with its
         ;fair amount of ticks
          ((make-engine (lambda () (result 'resume)))
           ticks-left s f)))))))

Note that we have used the arithmetic operators clock-min, clock-minus, and clock-plus instead of min, -, and +. This is because the values used by the clock arithmetic includes infinity in addition to the integers. Some Scheme dialects provide an infinity value in their arithmetic -- if so, you can use the regular arithmetic operators. If not, it is an easy exercise to define the enhanced operators.

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